Ludbreg and Zalaszentmárton are cities with similar tourism attractions. Both towns are centres of religious tourism and they have the same religious contents a through the project will develop and convert the close regions of Zalaszentmárton and Ludbreg into the destination of pilgrim tourism.
Main aim of the project:
- develop and apply an innovative tourism product referring to the development of pilgrimage tourism routes,
- incorporating religious sites in the cross-border area through attracting a greater number of visitors.

With the establishment of the thematic route “Via Saint Martin” both local population and visitors will have improved access to religious sites in cross-border area and to natural areas throughout the route.
The overall objective of the project is:
- to develop and apply an innovative tourism product referring to the development of pilgrimage tourism routes, incorporating religious monuments in the cross-border area.

Specific objectives that the project want to solve are:
- Development of new services in the form of thematic tourism as a newly established tourist attraction;
- Establishment of pilgrim thematic routes which will Town Ludbreg and Zalaszentmárton bundle into specific itineraries;
- Improving acceptance conditions for tourist and visitors on the thematic route;
- Support local economies and sustainable tourism.

Target groups of the project are:
- general public; museums, galleries, cultural houses; local service providers and local NGO’s.

Project activities that will be implemented during the 20 month project lifetime are:
- Development of joint program for pilgrim tourism;
- Joint actions for building capacities between local stakeholders about sustainable tourism in relation with pilgrim route;
- Organization of culture events;
- Development of a joint smart solution in tourist offer; Establishment of thematic route and equipping with tourist content;
- Improvement accommodation services for visitors at sites;
- Testing the pilgrim program and scouting the route.

Expected outputs of the project are:
- 1 joint programme for pilgrim tourism; identified 14 tourist attraction in cross border area; 1 document for joint initiatives in development of cultural tourism; created 2 maps with the routes in Ludbreg and Zalaszentmarton; 2 trainings for local stakeholders and tourist agencies about their alignment in the project; 4 workshops with stakeholders and local service providers about touristic offer in locations and relevance of religious tourism in community; 1 round table of joint promotion of pilgrim tourism; 2 manifestation in cross-border area – Via Saint Martin; 2 cross-border pilgrim days; 2 national pilgrim days; 2 cross-border youth pilgrims days; 1 joint film presentation about pilgrimage in Ludbreg and Zalaszentmárton; 1 joint webpage of the project with 1 webpage; 10 information boards in cross border area; 58 marks on the route; 19 traffic touristic brown signs; 1 camp for pilgrims; 2 study tours; 1 tent placement; identified 7 rest places in Ludbreg and 2 in Zalaszentmarton; 1 established info point; 1 established info center and 1 social block in Zalaszentmárton; established 1 thematic route with the same motive of Saint Martin 1 biblical garden; 5 project meetings; 2 conferences. Expected results of the project are: increased number of tourist/pilgrims in sites for 10%; developed new tourist product in cross-border area and increase tourist attraction of destinations for 20%; rising number of guest for 10%; developed tourist infrastructure in Ludbreg and Zalaszentmárton.

Expected results of the project are:
- increased number of tourist/pilgrims in sites for 10%;
- developed new tourist product in cross-border area and increase tourist attraction of destinations for 20%;
- rising number of guest for 10%;
- developed tourist infrastructure in Ludbreg and Zalaszentmárton.

Total EU contribution: 297.611,13 EUR
Amount of the EU (LB/B part):
– Town Ludbreg: 154.351,50 EUR
– Municipality of Zalaszentmárton: 143.259,63 EUR
Project start: 1.7.2020.
End of the project: 28.2.2022.